The Blackburn Foundation was created to fund up to 12 months of the best addiction and mental health treatment. Founded by addiction field veteran Robert Patrick, with a cutting-edge team of experts, the Blackburn Foundation relies on a 12 step continuum of care recovery protocol.
Built on the principle that access to care is a basic human right, our scholarship program aims to break the cycle of addiction and empower individuals on their journey towards lasting recovery. Together we can make a difference and provide the resources necessary for change.

The Problem

Drug overdose rates are 3.5 times higher than 17 other high-income countries, and 27 times higher than italy and japan. This level of preventable mortality is contributing to an unparalleled decline in U.S. life expectancy.

Short-sighted Recovery Model

Even with insurance, few providers cover more than 6 weeks of treatment. The current 30-day treatment model is statistically proven to be ineffective. The relapse rate decreases from 60% to 17% or less with a long-term treatment model.

Massive Public Cost

The annual cost of substance abuse to the. U.S. Is over $500 billion. This includes the cost of mortality, law enforcement, judicial proceedings, state and federal services, hospitalizations, and incarcerations.

Everyone Is Affected

For the first time in recorded history teen drug Overdose rates are rising. A problem that was once Stereotyped to the lower classes of our society Has become a national epidemic.


Fueled by powerful partnerships across the fields of addiction and mental health treatment. The Blackburn foundation's "Hope" program fully funds up to twelve months of life saving support. Without Help, meaningful care is inaccessible and cost prohibitive for 90% of americans.
The Blackburn foundations team of experts will asses each persons individual needs and create a personalized treatment plan. A custom scalable approach allows for support to be provided where its most needed. Intervention, detox & residential treatment, intensive out patient treatment, transitional living, therapy, psychiatry, mentoring, spiritual counseling and aftercare services are provided on a case by case basis.


Robert Patrick

President - Board Chair

Robert has been the Owner and Operator at Blackburn Recovery, from January of 2012 to today. He has over 40,000 hours of hands-on experience working in the field of Substance Abuse Disorder Treatment. His duties and responsibilities include networking, monthly board meetings, client assessment and application process, as well as administrative oversight. 

Ian Lansbury Shaw

President - Board Chair

Ian graduated from the USC Marshall School of Business with a major in Business Management and a Minor in Real Estate Development. He is the Owner and Operator of Spear Recovery Inc., as well as the Owner and Operator of Webster Shaw Properties LLC. Previously he worked at Blackburn Recovery as a Sober Living House Manager (2018), Patoma Inc, dealing with Building Management and Building Investments (2013 - 2017), and CBRE as a real estate broker (2012 - 2013). His duties and responsibilities include networking, monthly board meetings, as well as client assessment an application process.

Mark Vizioli

Director Of Admissions

Mark has 29 years of experience in recovery, over 12 years in professional recovery service & ministry and is the Co-founder of EARS (European Association of Recovery Specialists. He also holds an STB/ MDiv from the Pontifical University St. Thomas Aquinas / Angelicum, CIP (Certified Intervention Professional) & CRC (Certified Recovery Coach) Sober Academy, RADT (Registered Alcohol Drug Technician Credential) CCAPP. His memberships include the following: National Association of Catholic Chaplains • National Association for Lay Ministry • Association for Practical Theology • Princeton Association UK • American Communication Association • Mystical Theology Network at Oxford. His duties and responsibilities include networking, as well as client assessment and application process. 

Nathan Blumenfeld-james

Vice President / Vice Chair

Nathan has been a creative executive at Steven Bochco Productions for over 15 years. In that time, he has overseen development, creation and production of multi-media content with an emphasis on music supervision, scoring and composition. He is also the owner and founder of BLKMKT music, a full-service music house for T.V., film and advertising. He has used his experience in the entertainment industry to help young men in early sobriety find their passion and purpose, through strategy and network. He is the director of Blackburn Mentoring Services, has over 20 years of sobriety and has been working in treatment and substance abuse and recovery industry for over a decade. His duties and responsibilities include networking, monthly board meetings as well as client assessment an application process. 

Christopher Huitfeldt

COO - Co Chair

Christopher has an MBA, CCMI-M, and a CIP. He has been a behavioral health professional for the last 8 years, and has been instrumental in both the start up and corporate organizations he’s contributed to in the treatment industry. His duties and responsibilities include networking, monthly board meetings, client assessment an application process as well as being the secretary. 



Melissa started her career at IBM in 2012 and moved into the mental health and substance abuse field in 2014. Her company, Stone Harbor Strategies, has worked with industry leaders such as Visions Adolescent Treatment Center, Casa Bella Recovery Services, Blackburn Recovery, Resolutions Living, and more. Her duties and responsibilities include monthly board meetings, accounting, and bookkeeping. 

Josh Cobia

Advocate Director

Josh has 15 years of experience in various non-profits. He has been a Pastor for 13 years at Cal Church, Resonate and New Abbey. He is also a trained spiritual director and coach. Josh is committed to upholding the Mission and Purpose of the organization, maintaining 501(c)(3) status, ensuring compliance with non-profit regulations, strategic planning and community relations to enhance organizational impact. 


By 2028, we plan to open a Blackburn Foundation campus in West Los Angeles on over 20,000 sq ft of land. This state-of-the- art facility will incorporate addiction, spiritual, nutritional, professional, and wellness-driven services in wide open, inspiring spaces. The Blackburn recovery campus will be a transformational resourse for our community. Our vision is to replicate this model in all major cities across the country. Stay tuned for more exciting developments.